
onsdag 27. juni 2012

Day 5

 Ruben (Spain)
 Andreas (Sweden)

 Claudio (Italian volonteer)
 Henning  Wang (Instructor)
 Dinner time
 Manchu (Spain)
Andrej (Ukraine)

mandag 25. juni 2012

Day 4

 Eirik explaining how to use the ropes
 Group photo
 Mady (Spain)
 Spain team
 Eirik explaining the knots
 Ruben (Spain)
 Alena (Ukraine)
 Ruben (Spain)
 Alexander (Spain)
 Alexander (Spain)
Presentation of Georgian team

Day 3

 Watching the match (England - Italy)
 The lecture with Magnus Mitbø
 Dinner time
 Presentation of Armenian team
 Socialization session with Swedish team
Magnus Mitbø talking about his climbing life

søndag 24. juni 2012

Day 2

 Eirik giving instructions to georgian team,they are very satisfied with climbing session
 Eirik explaining usage of climbing equipment
 Socialization Session
 Climbing in cave
 Ethan Pringle
 Socialization: German team
 Introducing each other on own language
Dani Andrada had a presentation about his climbing life

fredag 22. juni 2012

Day 1

Socialization : Claudio giving intructions
Spanish team ready for climbing
Spanish team
Alexander (Spain)

torsdag 14. juni 2012

There are now a lot of questions about planes and trains arrivals to Trondheim/Værnes as well as corresponding transportation to and back from Flatanger. Here`s some info about the transportation logistics. We intend the project bus to arrive at Flatanger no later than 21.00 on friday the 22, giving participants the chance to mingle during the party. The ideal would be to arrive before18.00 in time of the stunning dinner menu. This reqires departure time no later than 18.00 from Værnes (ideally 15.00) Back again the bus bus will take you to Værnes or Trondheim on thursday, as early as people prefer to catch a plane or bus. If you have a departure on friday, we will provide you with accomodation in Trondheim. You will then have the possibility to stroll along the same streets as the european discoverer of America did about one thousand years ago before he embarked on on his voyage across the North Atlantic sea. There are also a lot of other things than Leiv Eriksons port worth seeing in Trondheim.
We are about to collect information about your arivals and departures. But for you that still havent bought tickets yet, please have this in mind when you order your tickets.

There are also som questions about what equipment to bring. You are all going to camp outdoors for a week. You will need to bring everything thats make camping pleasant. This includes a sleeping bag and a matress to put under it, clothing that keeps you insulated from the winds that tends to hammer down from Nortwest without further notice. You may as well bring your rain protection gear since cold water often is standard ingredient in the mixture of North Atlantic weather coctails. You may leave your cooker if you`re not addicted to your morning coffee routines. Bring some good hiking shoes as well and of course your climbing gear.
The Festival program and even more important, the menu, is finding its final form. Have a look at for details. The corresponding program for the project will follow soon, but the project weekend will be following the festival program since it includes both stunning climbing in the cave and Mid-summers fest. Who wants to miss that?

onsdag 13. juni 2012

Good news for the project! We do now have the confirmation that Dani Andrada, the legendary Spanish climber will attend the Norwegian climbing festival. He will climb the hard routes and hold lectures. For more info about Dani, have a look at his blog:

The final program for the festival is soon to be published. The participants of the project will have the possibilitty to attend all parts of the program. Especially nice will be the Norwegian climbing federations 20th anniversary celebration held on Mid summers eve on saturday. Hopefully the sky will be clear and you will have the chance to witness the (close to) Midnight sun.

fredag 8. juni 2012

Now  we are heading once again for Strøm and Flatanger to work on the routes. The local climbers have been working whole week, so hopefully we will manage to finish most of the preparations this weekend, leaving next and last weekend for working on the final touch.

The bolting team had problems because they didnt have any anchores left. The remotenes of Flatanger was compensated by the swift actions of the climbing shop at Oppdal, VPG, and the bolting team was quicly set up with the neccessary hardware. Thanks a lot to VPG!

I will return on sunday with updated news about the route situation at Strøm.

mandag 4. juni 2012

There has again been a successful dugnad-weekend at Strøm, Flatanger. A lot of new routes are created by Lars Audun Nornes, Runar Carlsen and Øystein Krødsby Johnsen, three very experienced climbers and route creaters. The routes are both long trad on slabs and hard sport on vertical to slightly overhanging rock. Some are short and others are longer. Some are multipitch. The variations in holds are big and routes are full of nice surprises for the climber. None of the routes will  have a FA when you arrive, so bring you OS and flash-shoes-You will get your name in the book if you are the first to send!